Limeapple Love is happy to present our first 'February Favorites' . Each month, our team will compile a sweet list of personal favorites - from recipes for foodies and original playlists to DIYs, weekend activities and fashion essentials.  Find out what Limeapple loves this month - curated for moms and tweens -  and submit your own! 

* Pump Up - a mobile app designed for a community of fitness junkies, aspiring athletes, or new workout beginners - Pump Up allows you to curate your own workouts based on your skill level, location and amount of time.  You can motivate others and share pictures of your progress or use it to track your own personal fitness.  I personally use this app to customize workouts based on my target goals (working on core, increasing stamina etc;) and I love that it walks you through each step.

* Family Day - here in Alberta, Canada, we're lucky to observe Family Day (Feb 16th for Alberta, Feb 9th for BC). A day given off to most workers to spend time with their families.  Most of us take the time to enjoy Canadian winter past times like toboganning and ice skating.  Does your city have a Family Day? 

* Smoothie Craze - I think it's safe to say that smoothies are quickly becoming a healthy diet staple.  There's new pop up shops, menu additions and advertisements everywhere - but there's a catch - the amount of sugar and mystery add-ons to many smoothies are counterproductive.  Here at Limeapple, we've composed a list of our favorite natural smoothie ingredients that will give you the boost of energy, rehydration and glow in your next smoothie. Here are some tips on making your own - 



* Girl Power Ads - in a world of social media trends and false aspirations, it's refreshing to come across some positive, girl empowerment ads like the ones here. The 'Like a Girl' Always ad is a personal favorite.

* Fearlessly Kind -  this movement and school program is an initiative to create a kinder girl world . Driven 100% by females (like our team here), their mission is to eliminate bullying with interactive school programs and curriculums. You can even take their #7DayChallenge by downloading their Fearless Action Kit.   A recent favorite from their blog lists a number of things that they wish girls knew - from positive life affirmations to inspiring quotes. http://www.fearlesslykind.com/15-things-i-wish-every-girl-knew/ 

Tell us what your favorites were for the month of February, and let us know what you'd be interested in seeing for next month! Workout essentials, reading material or fashion necessities? 
Here's to discovering March! 

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