A large part of what we do is creating activewear and promoting fit lifestyles for young girls. Energy, movement and sports is essentially who we are. While we all know that exercise and being active is good for us – participating in sports and physical activity goes beyond getting in shape.  It nurtures us mentally and spiritually.

Here are a few reasons to inspire your daughters, friends and sisters to get active:

1. Builds self esteem: 
- Change is inevitable and as young girls – consistent. Participating in athletic teams helps girls develop self confidence by feeling better about themselves physically; being part of a team and contributing to a group helps them feel better socially.  Part of playing sports is developing skills and setting goals – both crucial to a healthy self esteem.

2. Secret health benefits: 
- Exercise makes you happier! (The first step is always the hardest.) Being physically active makes your body release endorphins – happy hormones – which makes you feel empowered and combats stress. However, some sports have additional benefits.  Being fit reduces the chances of future problems like osteoporosis, breast cancer and high blood pressure.   Yoga has also been commonly referred to as ‘therapeutic’ and calming. In many studies, it has been shown to help cancer patients greatly.   Stay tuned for more on this topic later.

3. Better academic performance:
- Exercising helps improve concentration, discipline and learning for active girls which gives them an advantage in the classroom. Being part of a team requires determination, strategy, and motor skills that can correlate to academics. Playing sports teaches girls lifelong skills and qualities such as perseverance and cooperation.

Plus, sports are fun!
Let’s try to instill these healthy habits into the girls in our lives at a young age so that it becomes natural. Being physically active is a lifestyle and reaps lifelong benefits.

Share with us why you’re active!


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